Our activities
The GST network aims to contribute to the ongoing strategic conversation on gender and socially-equitable trade. Our project seeks to ensure inclusion of (sub-groups of) women and men who are normally excluded and improve the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their identity to participate in trade, whether as consumers, producers or traders.
The GST grant and embedded network aim to:
Increase the technical skills of developing country policymakers in the gender and social aspects of trade negotiations and agreements;
Build a network of TAF2+ GESI champions to foster South-South experience sharing to integrate GESI in trade negotiations and agreements at country level;
Fill practical knowledge gaps at the international level as identified through TAF2+ research and consultation;
Contribute to the identification of good practices by drawing on experiences from integrating GESI into new and existing TAF2+ grants;
Deepen formal partnerships with other gender and social inclusion in trade actors.Filling information gaps on the impact, relevance and benefits of including gender and social inclusion issues into trade policies and programmes;